Welcome FPS' Alumni!

No one knows the culture of a school better than its students. By teaching a unique set of values and ideals, schools instil in their students a life philosophy that is put into action as they become alumni and go out into the world. The alumni perspective, formed by the values that their alma mater taught them, is key to retaining the strength of a school’s culture. As an FPS alum you are an automatic member of FOSA, the FPS Old Students Association. A 600+ members strong with members all over the world, you have a lasting connection to FPS and we want to help make it stronger. We hope you will choose to participate in our community. You can attend alumni events, meet up with alumni in your area using our mobile app, or share your story. Your FPS family provides a lifetime of opportunity to engage with the school, connect with your classmates, and network with alumni you haven’t even met yet.

For Registration click on the link Alumni Registration Form

Help us keep your records up to date so you can receive event invites, eMagazines.